Our great people set us apart from other companies in Kansas City. We want to take the time to introduce you to who you speak with on the phone, the guys who are taking care of your lawn & landscape, or those behind the scenes making sure everything at Custom Lawn runs smoothly. Jason Greenlee is a great guy who has developed in to one of the most in demand irrigation technicians in the area. Jason works hard and is great with customers. Here is a little insight into who Jason is!
Q&A With Custom Lawn Irrigation Technician, Jason Greenlee:
Q: Where were you born?
A: Shawnee Mission Medical Center
Q: How long have you been with Custom Lawn?
A: Almost 5 years
Q: What do you do at Custom Lawn?
A: Irrigation service and maintenance
Q: How long have you been working in the green industry?
A: I did it when I was younger, took a break then got back to it. 6 years total
Q: What is your favorite part of working for Custom Lawn?
A: Customer interactions
Q: What’s your favorite thing to do outside of work?
A: Spend time with my wife & watch football
Q: What’s your least favorite thing to do outside of work?
A: Yard work
Q: Do you have any pets?
A: 3 dogs, a Mastiff – Pit Bull mix, a German Shorthaired Pointer and a Chihuahua named Killer
Q: What’s your favorite movie line or quote?
A: “Show Me the Money” – Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.), “Jerry Maguire”
Q: If you could choose someone as your mentor, who would it be?
A: Clint Eastwood, he’s been my hero since I was a little kid
Q: What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery tonight?
A: Move to the Caribbean
Q: If you could have any super-power, what would you choose?
A: Flight
Q: If you were stuck on an island, what are three things you would take with you?
A: My chair, my wife and Corona
Q: What advice would you give to brand new Custom Lawn employees?
A: Keep an open mind and soak up all the information you can
Q: What advice would you give to brand new Custom Lawn customers?
A: Expect excellence
Q: What is your favorite place in the world to eat?
A: Ponaks
Q: What’s your favorite plant
A: Ferns
Speed Round:
Q: Messy or organized?
A: Messy
Q: Salty or sweet?
A: Sweet
Q: Coke or Pepsi?
A: Pepsi
Q: Chocolate or vanilla?
A: Chocolate
Q: Rock or Country?
A: Rock
Q: Iphone or Android?
A: Android
Q: Sneakers or Sandals?
A: Sneakers
Q: Books or video games?
A: Video Games
Q: Plane or car?
A: Car
Q: Winter or Summer?
A: Summer
Q: Tent or RV?
A: Tent
Q: Cats or Dogs?
A: Dogs