If you have pets, you may already know that fighting a flea infestation can be a nightmare. Not only can they make your pet an itchy mess (especially if they have flea allergies), but they can also transmit parasites such as tapeworms and flea-borne spotted fever. While ticks may seem like a small issue, they Read More >
Are you struggling to keep your lawn healthy and green? Have you run out of time and energy to keep up your mowing routine? Learning to mow like a pro can take an immense amount of knowledge and experience, which is why the experts at Custom Lawn are breaking down the most important tips to Read More >
Winter weather can often make us overlook some of our outdoor upkeep duties. Who wants to be outside any longer than necessary when it’s cold, windy, wet, or snowy? While we can’t blame you for wanting to stay inside where it’s warm, when spring arrives, there’s quite the list of to-do’s to get your lawn Read More >
There is a lot of information about lawn care floating around out there. Some of it is true. Some of it is not. The experts at Custom Lawn & Landscape have gathered some of the most popular lawn care myths to expose them for National Lawn Care Month. Read on to learn what to do Read More >
Most homeowners may not know it, but improper mowing is one of the most common causes of lawn problems. Luckily, it’s an easy problem to fix. It’s much easier than trying to diagnose a disease or pest problem or remedy mold or weed issues. Custom Lawn and Landscape has put together some basic lawn mowing Read More >
Mulching your flower beds and garden is a popular lawn care task this time of year. The problem is, most people apply mulch too late in the season, lessening its benefit. To understand the logic behind this theory, the experts at Custom Lawn are breaking down why we mulch in the first place. Related Read: Read More >
When spring arrives, you want to make sure that your lawn looks bright, fresh, and clean like the rest of your home. It’s time to get outside, enjoy the warmer weather, and clean up your yard. These spring cleaning tips for your lawn will help it look its best this season and all throughout the Read More >
The average homeowner in Kansas City spends an hour every time they mow their lawn (based on a half-acre lot). Since mowing season spans April through October, (28 weeks) and the average person mows twice a week (2 hours), that adds up to a whopping 56 hours spent just mowing. Of course, if your lot Read More >
If you take pride in your lawn, and want it to be as healthy as possible, we’ve got a great tip for you. You may not realize it, but using a grass catcher on your lawn mower is an extra step that adds time to your mowing and is completely unnecessary. Furthermore, you might actually Read More >
Random warm days in Kansas City can leave homeowners dreaming of warm spring days in the backyard. Right now, you might be thinking you still have a long time before you’ll have to start lawn care again, but what many don’t realize is that weed control starts sooner than regular lawn care. Right now is Read More >