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Interested In?* Interested In?*Landscape EnhancementLandscape CleanupLawn fertilization with weed & grub controlOutdoor home insect (mosquitos, fleas, ticks, chiggers, etc.) controlTree & shrub pruningTree & shrub fertilization, disease & insect controlEmerald Ash Tree Borer ControlLawn mowing serviceFall leaf cleanupFlower bed weeding & edgingMulch installationSprinkler maintenance & repairSprinkler back-flow preventer testingSprinkler turn on & winterizationSprinkler design and installationLandscape lighting design, installation & maintenanceLawn renovation, aeration/verticut & seedingSnow Removal & Ice managementOtherHome Insect ProgramPerimeter Pest ProgramSpecial Event TreatmentLawn Disease Control