Does your new Kansas City home have a bare yard? Do you want to grow healthy grass from natural seeds? What about filling in those empty patches on your existing lawn? The first thing you need to consider is choosing the right time to seed your yard.
While technically you can plant grass at any time of year, that doesn’t mean you’ll always get the best results. Luckily, the best time of year to seed your lawn is happening right now! Custom Lawn & Landscape explains why fall is the best time to seed your yard in Kansas City:
1. The Ground Is Prime Temperature
During early to mid-autumn, temperatures begin to cool down, but the ground is still warm. Warm soil encourages germination and the average ground temperatures in early fall are still warm enough to meet that high standard for germination.
These conditions, paired with properly prepared soil (after verticutting and fertilization), give the seeded areas the best chance to grow into full turf.
2. Sunshine Is Moderate
Summer sunshine can provide a tough growing environment for seedlings, and too much sun can stop their growth outright. Decreasing sunlight in the fall ensures safe, healthy growth. For a popular variety like Kentucky Bluegrass, reduced sunshine is crucial to ensuring robust growth, while Tall Fescue should be planted closer to the end of summer/early fall to guarantee a bit more direct sunlight.
Related Read: Pop Quiz: Which Type of Grass Is Right for Your Kansas City Lawn?
3. More Rain = More Growth
The extra rain during a Kansas City fall, combined with the two above factors, enriches the soil with rainwater that lasts longer in the topsoil. After seeding, start with frequent, light watering. Decrease watering frequency as the seedlings establish, and allow natural rain to follow through on the process.
These three factors make a great case for seeding your lawn in the fall. So, with that decision done and dusted, where do you go from here?
Give the experts at Custom Lawn & Landscape a call at (913) 782-8315 to schedule an appointment today! In the meantime, download our free month-by-month, idiot-proof lawn care guide for expert tips on how to get a lawn you’ll love!