As winter approaches, homeowners need to take action now to have a great lawn next year. The fall months provide one last chance to correct problems in the yard. Whether a yard has some bare spots that need to be patched or the entire yard needs to be seeded, cool temps make fall the best time to spread seed.
Why Seed in the Fall?
Fall is the ideal time to seed as there is enough sun for seeds to sprout, but not so much as to dry out and kill the seed. Seeds that are planted in the fall will be healthy and grow nicely when spring returns. Seeds that are planted in the spring are often overtaken by weeds native to the area.
Use the Right Seed
Though there are a lot of different types of seed available on the commercial market, it is not difficult to choose the right seed. A mix of 50% Fescue and 50% Bluegrass will work great in most Kansas City area lawns. The Fescue provides endurance and can take the heat, while Bluegrass provides a richer color and a softer texture for bare feet to enjoy. To prevent problems, be sure you check the seed package label. You want seed that is labeled as 0% weed seed and 0% other crop.
Benefits of Aeration/Verticutting
Both aeration and verticutting disturb the soil in order to loosen the ground. This loosening allows grass to grow better, as the roots of the grass can more easily move down into the soil. In simple terms, aeration works by poking holes into the soil or removing small cylindrical plugs from the soil, while verticutting cuts rows into the soil. Verticutting is best used with seeding, while aeration is best used in a yard that does not need seed. Great results can be had by alternating between aeration and verticutting from year to year.
Water, Water, Water
Though it is important not to overwater the soil when seeding a lawn, the seeds need water to sprout and grow. A general rule is that the soil needs to be kept moist at all times. In many cases, a yard will need to be gently watered multiple times per day. A gentle watering is best as overwatering can result in the development of fungus on the new grass and can even wash the seeds away.