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Fall Is A Critical Time For Your Lawn

Good news! Green sprouts are emerging! Even some of the area’s most drought stricken lawns are showing signs of life. Who’d a thought? A slightly funny, fun and, hopefully, educational article on what to do and not to do this fall are ahead. Read about some of the crazy things people do to their lawns every autumn while getting some insight into how you can help us rejuvenate the area around your home. If you read no further, remember that September is the best time to help your lawn regain its vigor. If you plan to seed your lawn, please let us know. We will adjust what we apply to your lawn accordingly. If you want us to do your seeding, core aerating or verticutting, please call or write today so that we can schedule that work at a time of your convenience. Now please enjoy the attached article.

There may be nothing funny about this summer’s drought or the work it may take to bring a stricken lawn back but over the last 33 years in the business we have seen a few funny things, pitfalls that we hope all of our customers will avoid this fall. (All names are fictitious)

Skip skips his fertilizer treatments in the fall (ending his best chance for recovery for next spring).

Buck spends big bucks on seed but never reads the label (a label that reads anything but “0.00% weeds and 0.00% other crop” ensures a weedy future).

Slick use any seed mixture that contains a little bit of everything just to be sure he gets what he needs (he will also get a lot of what he shouldn’t).

Bubba tries to core aerate his dry lawn (emphasis on “try”).

Milo verticut his overgrown lawn without mowing it first (it cost him 2000 bags to put his lawn in and the same number of cold drinks for the entire neighborhood that it took to rake up the mess).

Hope plants more area than she can water each year (it costs only time and money).

Dusty uses seed that comes with its own mulch (ensuring a quick lawn that will die next summer).

June waits until October to plant her seed and April waits until March (both complain that something must be wrong with their soil).

Shorty lowers his lawn mower thinking the lawn will fill in better that way (not realizing that he is handicapping next year’s root system).

Ace plants twice as much grass as recommended and has the best lawn in the neighborhood until the next July (about the time when the over-crowded grass chokes itself out).

Pete puts peat moss on his lawn to cover the seed (not realizing that peat moss will dry out faster than a blow torch next summer).

Lucky does all of these things (and mows the best all-crabgrass lawn in town).

We will do everything right to help you have a beautiful lawn and landscape again by next spring. We take your lawn and landscape very seriously. Call us today to schedule your lawn relief. It’s time to aeration, verticut, and overseed your lawn. We cover the entire Johnson County area, including Olathe, Overland Park, and Lenexa.

Yours for a greener earth with a cool, shady place to enjoy it,

Custom Lawn and Landscape

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The Custom Lawn Advantage

  • Your Personal Technician has a college degree, is experienced, and is your trusted advisor.
  • Environmentally Responsible Approach - Our top concerns are you and your family’s safety & the long term health of our beautiful planet.
  • Always available with a friendly voice.
  • Our goal is to always provide honest advice & real solutions to our customers.
  • We provide full service-residential & commercial lawn care, mowing, & irrigation services. We also maintain your trees, shrubs and landscape.
  • Locally owned by the same family since 1981.

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