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3 Essential Fall Lawn and Landscape Chores!

fall love your lawn cleanup

It’s fall in Kansas City! The long summer days have given way to the shorter days and longer nights of fall. Just like every new season, fall brings its share of essential outdoor chores! Read more to learn about how to do some of your essential fall lawn and landscape chores like the pros!

1. Rake, Rake, Rake!

woman raking leaves for fall clean upFall leaf clean-up can seem like an overwhelming chore, especially if you have a lot of trees. But it’s vitally important to clean them up and not let them sit on top of your grass for more than a few days.

Letting a carpet of leaves stay on your lawn can literally kill your grass in as little as one week. A mat of leaves smothers grass, traps moisture, deprives turf it of sunlight and harbors insects and diseases. Basically, leaf cover for more than a few days can equal disaster for your lawn.

Luckily, leaves fall gradually, so break the task up into segments so that it doesn’t seem so daunting. Consider digging a compost pit or making a compost pile with at least some of the leaves — they make great mulch for the garden!

Let us help!! Request a fall leaf cleanup in Johnson County KS.

2. Treat For Weeds And Fertilize

custom-lawn-fall-weed-controlNovember is a great time to have the lawn treated for weeds. All the weeds we see in the spring (think dandelions, clover, etc..) germinate in the fall. It is much easier to control these weeds right now before they become a problem. Our lawn care department has always noted how much cleaner of weeds fall treated lawns are than those that we only treat in the spring. 

Fertilizing the lawn with a quick release nitrogen heavy fertilizer is also a great idea in the fall. The temperatures have cooled to the point that the grass isn’t growing much. The soil is warm enough still that roots are still storing energy in the form of carbohydrates. The lawn needs sunlight, water and nutrients to do this most effectively. 

In late fall, the combination of fertilization and weed control will leave your lawn looking great next spring! Let us know if we can help in any way by calling 913-782-8315 or go to our website to get on our fall lawn care program list.

3. Plant Spring Bulbs

planting spring bulbs in fall in kansas cityNOW, mid-late November, is the best time to plant spring bulbs. Take a little time before the ground freezes to plant Daffodils, Snowdrops, Crocus, Allium and Tulips for a glorious spring show.

These bulbs will bloom just in time to satisfy our craving for a bit of color after a dreary winter! Plant in separate groups for the most dazzling display, and scatter them among perennials which will help hide their foliage as it dies back.

After planting, cover with a layer of mulch to protect bulbs from hungry critters.

Do you have questions about getting these three essential fall lawn and landscape chores done? Fill out a contact me form on our website www.customlawn.com. One of our Hometown Experts will be in touch with you in a day or less to discuss your unique situation. Good luck and have a great time out there in your lawn!


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  • Your Personal Technician has a college degree, is experienced, and is your trusted advisor.
  • Environmentally Responsible Approach - Our top concerns are you and your family’s safety & the long term health of our beautiful planet.
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  • Our goal is to always provide honest advice & real solutions to our customers.
  • We provide full service-residential & commercial lawn care, mowing, & irrigation services. We also maintain your trees, shrubs and landscape.
  • Locally owned by the same family since 1981.

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