Money spent on a vacation creates beautiful memories, while money spent on your home’s outdoor spaces creates lasting value and an environment that you will enjoy for years. Most lawns and landscapes have been damaged by our unpredictable Kansas City weather and are in need of repair and upgrade. Lawn Improvements to Consider If your Read More >
Be smart and save money by planting now! You can receive a sweet deal because Custom Lawn needs to keep our landscape crews busy during this slow season AND most plant material is on sale. We can also help you Go Green because we can save you water and money with Xeriscaping. Since drought conditions Read More >
Be on the Lookout for Signs of Damage. June bug beetles lay their eggs in lawns during the months of June and July, and no lawn is immune. Once the larvae (grubs) hatch, they go to work feeding on the lawn’s root system. As feeding continues and the grubs grow larger, they can do major Read More >
Brown Patch disease develops rapidly during warm, humid weather with nighttime temperatures over 70 degrees F. The disease can result in blighting of large areas of turf. It may end up thinning turf if not addressed, but the disease can be controlled with proper care. Symptoms vary, but in some cases, the disease appears as Read More >
Pay attention to your lawn, trees and shrubs for signs of this season’s pests. This will enable you to prepare your green for a tough defense against them. Check your trees, shrubs, and lawn for these current pests: Problem: Dothistroma Needle Blight on Pines. Symptoms: Look for interior needles that are gone from the Read More >
How often should you mow? How high should you set the blades? How often should you sharpen your blades? What should you do about grass clippings? What is Grasscycling? Maintaining a healthy lawn includes many steps, and proper mowing is one of the more important. Follow these helpful mowing tips to keep your grass healthy. Read More >